Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Of Old Bridges and Old Doors

Dodging the April showers that are soaking this bit of Fife at the moment I successfully picked up my old pine door from the paint strippers yesterday.  The paint stripping shop is in the small village of Guardbridge.  First impressions of Guardbridge are a bit of a let-down, dominated as it is by the unattractive industrial facade of the old papermill.  However, the site of the paint stripers shop is more pleasant, situated right on the bank of the River Eden's little estuary where swans and ducks paddle aimlessly. I parked the Prius right at the end of the old bridge that crosses the Eden at this point - the old pilgrim's route from the heart of Scotland to St Andrews cathedral and the relics of St Andrew.  I didn't realise quite how old the old bridge (or 'brig' in Scots) actually is. Apparently it dates from 1419 and was instigated by Bishop Henry Wardlaw for the pilgrim route, commandeering the necessary labour free of charge - the payment being recognition of one's efforts in afterlife!

Back to the present time and things more technological - like bungee cords and nylon rope - I strapped the door on to the Thule roof bars.  (I have a photo below of the door on the Prius roof before I set off just to let you see what the Prius can carry on its roo.)  The Prius coped as if there was nothing there, even though the weather was squally and heavy rain showers were encountered.

So as I finish off this post I must away and to the toolbox - and put back on my lovely old door.  Thanks Prius! Again.

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